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North Carolina BBQ Forums Q&A

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Why are there time gaps in the posts? - The forums were taken offline in ~2013 and were (finally) restored in 2023. Feel free to start a new thread or reply to an existing one.

Cooking Techniques

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Thread Last Post Replies Views
Where ya'll from????
by corndog Page: 1, 2, 3
by donald Where ya'll from????
10-03-2024 4:28 PM
39 561,303
Cooking Boston Butts
by wolf1hoov
by donald Cooking Boston Butts
06-07-2023 5:38 AM
1 4,365
by Another_Q_Lover BBQ  Cooking CLASS
04-02-2012 4:12 PM
2 13,735
NC native, new to smoking, hopefully an easy question
by kscott1994
by porcophile NC native, new to smoking, hopefully an easy question
02-07-2012 8:59 PM
2 9,076
Never use lighter fluid!
by donald
by corndog Never use lighter fluid!
03-23-2010 9:13 PM
4 20,594
smoking a whole pig
by travis
by corndog smoking a whole pig
03-21-2010 11:46 PM
2 9,825
Creating good tasting and crisp skin
by ENCQue
by corndog Creating good tasting and crisp skin
12-16-2009 9:43 PM
3 13,371
Trying something new..with pics
by corndog
by corndog Trying something new..with pics
09-25-2009 1:45 PM
2 10,225
smoking a whole pig
by safari smoker
by donald smoking a whole pig
04-27-2009 8:13 PM
5 25,145
I Need Help
by JJR
by JJR I Need Help
03-03-2009 10:00 PM
- 4,215
by donald
by donald Welcome!
11-07-2006 7:49 PM
- 6,935
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