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Creating good tasting and crisp skin

Last post 12-16-2009, 9:43 PM by corndog. 3 replies.
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  •  12-14-2009, 8:50 AM 281

    Creating good tasting and crisp skin

    I'll be cooking my first pig, at 60 it's about time. Will be using a gas grill, and want to provide that excellent tasting crisp skin.
    What should I do to obtain this flavor and crispness?
  •  12-14-2009, 11:49 PM 282 in reply to 281

    Re: Creating good tasting and crisp skin

    Congrats on your first attempt....for the skin, what I do is clean the skin first w/ just some hot water.  Then dry it off...then get some type of cooking oil, I use olive, and some kosher salt.  Rub the oil over the skin, making sure to get into all the wrinkles.  Then spread the salt over the skin, and don't be skimpy with it.  The salt will help draw the moisture out, and the oil will give the skin a great looking color.  Then, just about an hour prior to the pig being done, go ahead and poke holes in it and let the grease drain out good.  Once this is done, crank the heat up to about 350ish and let that skin crispen up....That should be all they wrote on that...

    Good luck and take lots of pics...
  •  12-16-2009, 10:54 AM 283 in reply to 282

    Re: Creating good tasting and crisp skin

    Do you poke the holes in the skin side before you flip the pig?

    Some suggest cooking on the skin side the last 2 hours of cooking.
  •  12-16-2009, 9:43 PM 284 in reply to 283

    Re: Creating good tasting and crisp skin

    I poke holes after I have flipped the pig, and this is the last 1 hr or so of cooking...but I am fortunate enough to have a cooker I can cook the pig the whole time skin side down and not have to flip if I don't want to...but sometimes I do start flesh side down for a couple of hrs, then flip...
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