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  • Re: Never use lighter fluid!

    Do you still think its bad to use lighter fluid if your smoking indirectly? Also I generally use a chimney, put the coals in it. Spray a little fluid to light. Once is lit, I dont use it again. I just add wood and coal for the next 10 hours or so. Thoughts? &nbsp; Patrick
    Posted to Cooking Techniques (Forum) by ollieville on March 23, 2010
  • Re: NCBS BBQ Boot Camp

    Where is Hanes-Stokes County?
    Posted to Discussions (Forum) by ollieville on March 23, 2010
  • Hickory/Fruit Wood Search...

    Does anyone know where I could get some Hickory and Applewood in bulk. I live in the Southern Pines area and am willing to travel every few weeks to pick some up. I'd also take other fruit woods if anyone has any. I'm also looking for someone to get good local NC&nbsp;Pork Butts from. Any help would be appreciated. &nbsp; Patrick
    Posted to Discussions (Forum) by ollieville on March 23, 2010
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