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North Carolina BBQ Forums Q&A

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Why are there time gaps in the posts? - The forums were taken offline in ~2013 and were (finally) restored in 2023. Feel free to start a new thread or reply to an existing one.


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  • Re: Where ya'll from????

    Raleigh address but closer to Apex and Holly Springs. Just off to this website but looks awesome. Just posted my first question! Family roots are in Hyde County so I love the eastern NC style!
    Posted to Cooking Techniques (Forum) by kscott1994 on December 27, 2011
  • NC native, new to smoking, hopefully an easy question

    I've lived in NC my whole life....over 40 years. Me and my 2 sons have become addicted to smoking food. For their 14th birthday I smoked a 15# shoulder, using a weber bullet. Why is my meat a reddish color rather than the typical light brown color you see at eastern NC restaurants? I smoked at 225-250 using kingsford charcoal with oak wood from
    Posted to Cooking Techniques (Forum) by kscott1994 on December 27, 2011
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