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Fat Cat's Pork-N-Beans BBQ

  •  08-05-2010, 3:40 PM

    Fat Cat's Pork-N-Beans BBQ

    WOW!  This is the BEST barbecue that I've ever had in a restaurant!!!  ANYWHERE!!!

    I was disappointed when I pulled into the parking lot and discovered that my previous favorite Q-joint had closed, that is until I tasted this new offering!  Country Barbecue had previously occupied this facility and had wonderful Q, but this new establishment is even better!  Fat Cat's had only been open for four days when I stopped in, but they sure know how to do barbecue right!  This Q was very moist and tender and had excellent flavor!  The sauce was mixed in, but was a really good Lexington style dip and complimented the pork perfectly!  A nice amount of smoke was detected and the flavor was balanced.  The Q-slaw was a wee bit chunky with good spicy flavor.  Baked beans were runny with lots of bacon and green pepper - okay flavor.  Puppies were excellent - light & crispy with no onion flavor.  Barbecue was GREAT!!!  $5.49 plus tea (.99) & tax & tip.  PitMaster Eric gave me the tour after I complimented him on the great Q.  Rated 4.9!!

    Fat Cat's Pork-N-Beans BBQ
    411 West Fairfield Road
    High Point, NC  27260
    (336) 887-2326

    Tom (aka "Another_Q_Lover" & "BBQ.TOM")
    CMJ w/ KCBS
    OBJ w/ BBQ
    CTC w/ KCBS
    Pitmaster and Chef - 4 Lil' Pigs Competition Barbecue Team
    Author of "A 'Q' Review"
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