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Grilling Supplies

Last post 11-29-2024, 7:44 AM by harryjohn. 3 replies.
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  •  12-13-2008, 5:55 PM 193

    Grilling Supplies

    Hey Gang,

    I am new and in the Raleigh area. I noticed a few folks from around my parts on here. I was wondering where you all get your supplies. (chain stores?, specialty stores?) With the closing of all BBQ Galore stores, I'm kind of at a loss as to where to buy woods other than hickory and mesquite.  Any good suggestions?
  •  12-23-2008, 9:18 AM 194 in reply to 193

    Re: Grilling Supplies

    Yea, the bbq galores closing was a shock to me also...I did find wood for sale at the state farmers markets, so you can try there...don't know exactly what they have, but lots of dealers..I get alot of my stuff from the internet, but no wood yet, but I have found some sites.. Hope this helps.  Also, if you like pecan flavor, find someone w/ a tree and get the hulls..they work good in a pinch..
  •  02-21-2009, 1:55 PM 201 in reply to 193

    Re: Grilling Supplies


    I just got back from the World Market and they, surprisingly, carry a bunch of chips, including Apple, Adler, speciality mixes, and the standard ones. I went to the store in Cary (Crossroads, next to BJs).


  •  11-29-2024, 7:44 AM 603 in reply to 193

    Re: Grilling Supplies

    Welcome! Check out Grillbillies BBQ in Cary or the Expert Grill store for a great selection of woods and grilling supplies.
    you can order it from official website:

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