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Barbeque Judging

Last post 09-16-2010, 7:34 AM by Another_Q_Lover. 8 replies.
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  •  03-26-2010, 2:12 PM 303

    Barbeque Judging

    Hey Y'all,

    I'm fixing on getting my "Certified Barbeque Judge" training and certificate from the Kansas City Barbeque Society next month and was just wondering about some of the competitions around North Carolina.  It seems that a whole lot of competitions around here do NOT use KCBS CBJs on their judging panel, and I was just wondering why not.  Is there another "certifying" organization out there for  barbeque judges?

    Any information would be GREATLY appreciated.


    Tom (aka "Another_Q_Lover" & "BBQ.TOM")
    CMJ w/ KCBS
    OBJ w/ BBQ
    CTC w/ KCBS
    Pitmaster and Chef - 4 Lil' Pigs Competition Barbecue Team
    Author of "A 'Q' Review"
  •  03-26-2010, 11:50 PM 309 in reply to 303

    Re: Barbeque Judging

    NC tends to focus just on whole hog, or pork in general.. I have seen more and more KCBS events around the state, I know that Rockingham has, or has had one in the past, along w/ one up towards the mountains.  As the area continues to grow, and others move in from their own regions, it should grow in popularity.  I would like to see how one is done first hand.  I like the variety of the KCBS contests myself.  But whole hog is where it is round here....Keep us posted on what you find out and good luck w/ your judgin' school...
  •  03-29-2010, 1:50 AM 315 in reply to 309

    Re: Barbeque Judging

    Hey corndog,

    I heard that NC Pork Council holds barbecue judging classes on occasion, but I haven't been able to verify that or find a schedule for any.

    Have you heard anything about them?

    Tom (aka "Another_Q_Lover" & "BBQ.TOM")
    CMJ w/ KCBS
    OBJ w/ BBQ
    CTC w/ KCBS
    Pitmaster and Chef - 4 Lil' Pigs Competition Barbecue Team
    Author of "A 'Q' Review"
  •  03-29-2010, 6:55 PM 317 in reply to 315

    Re: Barbeque Judging

    Not lately, it just hasn't been on my radar of things to do/research.  I have been out to that site a while back just to see what comps are coming up though..Keep us posted on what you find and I'll keep my ears open also...
  •  03-29-2010, 7:11 PM 318 in reply to 317

    Re: Barbeque Judging

    A neighbor of mine recently got the KCBS certification. They had a class in Rocky Mount and I couldn't make it to that one. I haven't seen anything coming to NC this year but I'lll contact them and keep everyone posted.
  •  03-29-2010, 10:58 PM 320 in reply to 318

    Re: Barbeque Judging

    I couldn't find any CBJ classes in NC, but I did find one in the city where I am originally from and my mother still lives there (Kettering Ohio).  I'm incorporating the trip to see her with the training and a mini vacation for my wife and I.

    Thanks everyone for your responses!

    Tom (aka "Another_Q_Lover" & "BBQ.TOM")
    CMJ w/ KCBS
    OBJ w/ BBQ
    CTC w/ KCBS
    Pitmaster and Chef - 4 Lil' Pigs Competition Barbecue Team
    Author of "A 'Q' Review"
  •  05-31-2010, 11:11 AM 350 in reply to 320

    Re: Barbeque Judging

    Just an update on what I've learned about judging and competitions throughout North Carolina...

    Most of the competitions in NC are sponsored by the North Carolina Pork Council with a few others mixed in:  Kansas City Barbeque Society sponsors about 4-5 competitons, mostly in the western part of the state, but in Rocky Mount as well; the Memphis Barbeque Network sponsors a couple; and there are a few that have no "official" sponsorship, and follow their own rules.

    The NC Pork Council "certification" process for judging is that you watch their training video and then "shadow" one of their currently certified judges at FOUR competitions, after which you are "certified".

    The Memphis Barbeque Network "certification" process is to attend one of their "Barbeque Judge Certification" training sessions that accompany one of their sponsored events.  Not all of their events have the training offered, the closest one this year is in Smithfield, Virginia November 5th.

    The Kansas City Barbeque Society holds "Certified Barbeque Judge" training sessions throughout the nation annually, but none are being offered in North Carolina this year.

    Please let me know if you have any specific questions about judging and I'll find out if I don't already know the answer.  I'll be shadowing a certified NC Pork Council judge this coming Saturday in Durham at the "Blues, Brews and Ques" Festival.


    Tom (aka "Another_Q_Lover" & "BBQ.TOM")
    CMJ w/ KCBS
    OBJ w/ BBQ
    CTC w/ KCBS
    Pitmaster and Chef - 4 Lil' Pigs Competition Barbecue Team
    Author of "A 'Q' Review"
  •  08-05-2010, 4:24 PM 358 in reply to 350

    Re: Barbeque Judging

    Here is a follow-up to my previous post relating to "Certified Barbecue Judge" training and sanctioning of events by various barbecue organizations in NC.

    The North Carolina Pork Council (NCPC) sanctions between 15-20 barbecue competitions each year with most of them being "whole-hog, on-site" contests.  There are a couple other "blind" judging contests following NCPC rules, but not many.  The NCPC requires an individual to watch the NCPC judging DVD and then "shadow" a certified judge at one of their competitions.  If the "mentor" states that the trainee is ready then he/she will become certified.  If not ready, then he/she must "shadow" other competitions until approved.  (I became "Certified" through the NCPC following the "Blues, Brews, and Ques" competition at the Durham Athletic Park in Durham, NC in June of this year.)

    The Kansas City Barbeque Society (KCBS) sanctions between 3-5 competitons each year in NC.  Each competition includes:  smoked/barbecued chicken (usually thighs), pork ribs (usually baby backs), pulled pork (could also be chopped or sliced), AND beef brisket.  ALL of these meats must be cooked in order to win the "grand champion" of each competition.  Becoming a "Certified Barbeque Judge" through KCBS involves taking one of their 4-hour classes including taste-testing all of the different categories of meat and sharing the ratings for each.  (I became a CBJ (Certified Barbeque Judge) with KCBS in April in Ohio as there were no training events scheduled in NC this year.)

    The Memphis Barbecue Network (MBN) sanctions between 1-3 competitions each year in NC.  Each MBN competition includes:  "On-site" and "Blind" judging of whole-hog, shoulders, and ribs.
    The MBN method of training for judges involves taking one of their 6-hour classes and then judging four competitions before becoming a "Certified Barbecue Judge".  The MBN competition in Charlotte on September 10-11 will include a judges training class on Friday.  (My wife and I will be attending this training and will then judge the competition on Saturday.)

    The final sanctioning body for barbecue competitions in NC is the North Carolina Barbecue Society (NCBS).  Right now they only sanction 1-3 competitions each year, but hope to increase that number in the coming years.  Their training for judges involves a "camp-out" where individuals learn how to cook a pig and other items, as well as learning how to judge a competition.  When I spoke with Jim Early the other day, he stated that the NCBS is hosting three camp-outs each year.  Following the training, I believe that there is also a requirement to shadow or judge at four competitions before becoming a "Certified Barbecue Judge" through the NCBS.  (I anticipate attending a camp-out next year in Asheville.)

    This is most of the information on judging competitions in NC.  If ANYONE has ANY questions concerning this post or judging or ANYTHING, PLEASE don't hesitate to ask!

    Tom (aka "Another_Q_Lover" & "BBQ.TOM")
    CMJ w/ KCBS
    OBJ w/ BBQ
    CTC w/ KCBS
    Pitmaster and Chef - 4 Lil' Pigs Competition Barbecue Team
    Author of "A 'Q' Review"
  •  09-16-2010, 7:34 AM 361 in reply to 358

    Re: Barbeque Judging

    How about a follow-up to my previous follow-up...

    Here are a couple corrections to my previous post on judging: 

    The Memphis Barbecue Network (MBN) training took approximately 5 hours and involved a pre-test, lectures, demonstrations from a cooking team (just happened to be the reigning WORLD CHAMPION for MBN - "Yazoo's Delta Q"!!!), practical exercise (blind judging shoulder), and a final exam.  Rather strenuous, but well worth it!!!  Certification with MBN involves taking the training and then judging at least once in each of the three categories at a minimum of two events.  I was fortunate enough to be selected to judge both the "shoulder - on-site" and the "Hog - on-site" at the Time Warner BBQ & Blues festival in Charlotte.  Now I only need "Ribs - blind" at one more MBN competition in order to qualify for Certified Barbecue Judge with MBN.

    Most of what I previously wrote for the North Carolina Barbecue Society (NCBS) is correct; however, they just sanctioned their first competition in Cary about a month ago.  Jim Early tells me that he anticipates that they will sanction "a couple" competitions next year, but so far they have only ever sanctioned one event.

    Tom (aka "Another_Q_Lover" & "BBQ.TOM")
    CMJ w/ KCBS
    OBJ w/ BBQ
    CTC w/ KCBS
    Pitmaster and Chef - 4 Lil' Pigs Competition Barbecue Team
    Author of "A 'Q' Review"
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